No. No one should ever use that or any other hateful words.
The majority of black people in america are mixed race are able to say the word without critisism, A mixed raced person who is visually black can say the word without critisism. A person of mixed race person who vissually appears to be white can not say the n-word with out recieving critisism from people who do not know that they are mixed race.
Yes, we are oppressed by that word. So yes, you may use it
Yes, bcz there are still black in a way. Also I don’t like that first answer. Like why can’t you let black ppl have ONE WORD like jeez.
I believe that only full black people should be able to say the n-word. If your mixed your still half white.
Not necessarily. Historians, blacks, and people discussing the meaning of the word use it and it doesn't mean they are all racists. Normally, it goes towards why you are using it, and who you are directing it at.
Technically, anyone can say any word they want. However, using the N word, regardless of skin color, is disrespectful and perpetuates harmful stereotypes. So sure, they can say it, but it's probably not the best idea if they want to avoid drama or being labeled as ignorant.
The Blackfoot word is minikxiw
ckirihki is the Pawnee word for coyote or wolf.
I don't think anyone is trying to look like another race. Big lips and a creamy smooth tan skin have always been considered attributes of beauty. Some of the most beautiful women on the planet are mixed race and have these things naturally. ummm ok i understand u dunt want 2 admit it but yea it is tryna look black /brown/mixed whatevr but alot of white people try 2 hide from there featurs like skin complex, lips ext. yea i herd this white lady say she tanned evrydai 2 look golden brown so yea dont say its for smoth skin ....thats the truth me myself i have light brown smooth skin n im black so tell me what your trying to be......
People enter the Iditarod to win the money. They also enter the race to be in the outdoors and to say that they raced the Iditarod. People enter the Iditarod to win the money. They also enter the race to be in the outdoors and to say that they raced the Iditarod.
Yes! Because if a mixed race can say the n word ,why can't we?We're darker... And white people used to call Indians "N"s too...check it out on's just that we are not used to it but we sure can say! we're also raced by white people.
It is probably the least offensive term, unlike say High-yellow which is a slur. Racially Mixed as a noun clause is pretty neutral, not a race-hate epithet like the (N) word. Some people prefer 'mixed ethnicity'.
it is not a word but people say that word
You say 'the people are'. The word people is the plural form of person.
Its like the italian word 'ciao'. Its used to say hello but also bye.
Someone who is new and hasn't raced before. Let's just say, a beginner.
You mean mixed, as in biracial? If so, yes. His mother is white and his father is black.
Yes hi is a word because you can say it and other people say it and you can spell it.
The word people say when they say something at the same time is "jinx." They might also say "twins" or "snap."
'mensen' is the Dutch word for 'people'.