Sex is like a roller coaster... You wait an hour for a two minute ride.
mostly tobbaco rice and indigo
How to grow crop. How to grow crop. how to raisehorses right answer i got a 100 on test for this
The Adena came first then the Hopewell came after.
It started when they needed someone to work in the tobbaco farms.
What did the U.S. government first make with American Indians
people ,weed,tobbaco,drugs
tobbaco corn wheat
Native Americans
tobbaco sorghum millet
the American Indians did!
So you are wondering who invented Tobbaco? The person who invented tobbaco was Albert einstin.
Fire + Grass = tobbaco
It is a yellow liquid that has a burning smoke when lit ablaze. It is used as a fertilizer to grow tobbaco. If you drink it, you will have a strong chance of death.
they showed them to grow vegetsbles,catch fish,grow crops,build houses.
Around 125,000 adults smoke tobbaco
The British encouraged the Indians to grow cotton instead of food.