yes rebecca cole did get rewardswhen she was in high school she got an $10 reward for academic excellence
Rebecca jane cole
george and samantha
yes her husband name is Robert cole she has 5 kids
Rebecca Cole was the second African-American woman doctor in the United States. Here are some other facts about her:Rebecca was born on March 16, 1846.Rebecca was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.Rebecca was the second of five children.In 1863 Rebecca graduated from the Institute for Colored Youth (ICY).She became a doctor in 1867.She graduated from the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania.Rebecca Cole was married to Robert Cole.Rebecca moved to NY and joined the staff of the New York Infirmary for Indigent Women and Children.Rebecca practiced medicine in Columbia. South Carolina as well as Philadelphia.Rebecca died on August 14, 1922.
She had 5 children Alice,George,Susanna,Dorcas, and Stephen!
Rebecca J. Cole's middle initial is J.
Rebecca jane cole
Robert Cole
Rebecca J. Cole was the second African American woman to receive a M.D. degree in the U.S.
Rebecca J Cole overcame racism in being an African American woman doctor. Most people took her apart form others saying she was "unsantized". In the end, Dr Rebecca overcame the racism & talked to people about healthy hygeine, so in a way Rebecca J. Cole was techincally inspired by her rude peers. (:
What were some contributions rebecca cole did? yes she was a doctor or a nurse i think
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
it was ok
Rebecca J Cole was married to Robert Cole they had 5 kids together Alice,George,Susanna,Dorcas and Stevean
Rebecca J. Cole died of natural causes in 1922. Rebecca Cole is most known for being the first black woman doctor in the United States.
she died at 1922