The Shoshone Indians live in several different places. The tribe was spread out. They live in Wyoming, Idaho, California, Montana, Utah, and Nevada.
Shoshone Idians hunted buffalo, fish and rabbits
If you mean enemies, the Blackfoot tribes (Blood, Blackfoot, Piegan and their allies the Atsina and Sarcee) fought almost continual war against the Crows, the Shoshone, the Cree, the Flatheads (Interior Salish) the Kutenai, the Assiniboin, the Pend d'Oreilles and against white explorers, trappers, mountain men and traders.
They currently live in Nevada and Utah.
they made a bunch of knives and arrows and just murdered any of the enemies
No, they were Indians too.The Indians were from an enemy tribe of the Shoshone Indians.
There are around 1200 Shoshone indians today.
The Poma Indians did have enemies. Their biggest enemies were settles who came from over from both Russia, and Europe.
The shoshone indians help the expedition because Sacagawea was the chief's sister,
The Shoshone Indians live in several different places. The tribe was spread out. They live in Wyoming, Idaho, California, Montana, Utah, and Nevada.
The Shoshone natives lived in teepes
The Shoshone were called the Snake Indians as they mostly lived in and around the Snake River Valley.
Shoshone Idians hunted buffalo, fish and rabbits
The Pomo Indians had the Navajo Indians for enemies.