Most native American kept dogs as pets.
Please note that the dogs were not as much pets as useful tools to the tribes. They served as pack animals, guards, and in hard times as food for the tribes.
blackfoot Indians
The Blackfoot Indians lived in areas of the Northern part of America and Canada. This area has cold harsh winters and dry and hot summers.
One thing I never knew was Blackfoot Indians were the only Indians to use sled dogs as a form of transportation. Also they are the creaters of the popular pemmican snack!One thing that i never Knew was That the Blackfoot Used Everything on The buffalo.
blackfoot Indians
The blackfoot indians usually walk bare footed and dress mostly like the amerindians
The Blackfoot tribes were located around the Canadian border in the Yellowstone area, there was no conflict with that tribe and the Cherokee.
lewis and clark
The women
Sun Dance
lewis and clark