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natural grassland; fields of corn

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Q: European settlers and Americans transformed the Great Plains from to?
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Europeans settlers and Americans transformed the great plains from?

natural grassland; fields of corn

What region did the Sioux move when European settlers arrived?

great plains

What happen to the great plains?

The Great Plains Native Americans were driven away by the settlers. These Native Americans were also killed off by diseases.

What happened to the great plains Indians?

The Great Plains Native Americans were driven away by the settlers. These Native Americans were also killed off by diseases.

Which term describes African Americans who moved to the plains region?


Before European settlers arrived the of North America were wild grasses?

The Great Plains.

Before European settlers arrived.the of North America were wild grasses?

Great Plains

How did the government respond when westbound settlers asked the government for protection from the Plains Indians?

The American attitude was that Americans had the right to fill the continent. When the Native Indian Americans were a threat to the settlers moving in, the US government made treaties with groups like the Plains Indians, or strong-armed them into moving out of the areas designated for white settlers.

How did life change for native Americans when settlers began to arrive on the great plains?

it just kinda happened...

Why did the buffalo begin to disappear from the great plains in the 1870?

Many European Americans came to the Great Plains and killed the buffalo. The Native Americans also hunted the buffalo for their meat and skin.

Who were the first Ukrainian settlers in the interior plains?

the first ukrainian settlers in the interior plains were NOBODY!

Why did westward expansion into the great plains lead to conflict which native Americans?

because the settlers were encroaching on the natives lands, and they wanted it back