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Say your white and are applying for an elite college. You have a 4.0 GPA and have worked hard all your life to get into this college, but there is only one spot available for the next semester. The other kid applying for the spot is say Black (or any other minority for that matter) with a 2.0 GPA. The school legally has to fill the quota and let in a certain amount of minorities no matter what their qualifications are. So if the quota isn't met that student is in and you're out. So you don't get to go to that school thanks to affirmative action.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

A program which gives women equal access to promotion opportunities in the workplace is an example of an Affirmative Action plan. Another example would be a program which ensures that minorities are employed as frequently as individuals who are not minorities.

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What argument do critics of affirmative action often make?

Critics often make the argument that affirmative action is unconstitutional.

What was an unintended outcome of affirmative action?

reverse discrimination

How many states ban affirmative action?


Whose administration formally established affirmative action?


Should Affirmative Action be eliminated?

Affirmative action, otherwise known as "reverse-discrimination", is a policy that effectively discriminates against certain groups for the benefit of other groups. The intent of such a policy is to "even the playing field." The actual result, however, is that less qualified individuals unfairly gain access to employment, education, groups, etc at the expense of more qualified individuals. But this does not even begin to address the true underpinnings of discrimination. The result of affirmative action, or discrimination, is that those in the "target" groups that affirmative action is supposed to help might obtain credentials that are then questioned (fairly or unfairly) but others who wonder if their success was a product of talent and hard-work or of government-sponsorsored discrimination - ie affirmative action. So, the result is that affirmative action actually LEADS to stereotyping, the underpinning of discrimination. Affirmative Action should absolutely be eliminated. Fairness is not unilateral - the only way to address problems of discrimination is by even-ing the playing field for all. Education and free markets are the solution.