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Hattie Caraway (February 1, 1878 - December 21, 1950)

(Hattie Ophelia Wyatt Caraway)

First woman elected to the United States Senate

Born in Tennessee, Hattie Wyatt graduated from Dickson Normal in 1896. She married fellow student Thaddeus Horatius Caraway and moved with him to Arkansas.

Her husband practiced law while she cared for their children and their farm. Her husband was elected to Congress in 1912 and women won the vote in 1920: while Hattie Caraway took it as her duty to vote, her focus remained on homemaking. Her husband was re-elected to his Senate Seat in 1926 and 1932, but then died unexpectedly.

Arkansas Governor Harvey Parnell then appointed Hattie Caraway to her husband's Senate seat. She was sworn in on December 9, 1931 and was confirmed in a special election January 12, 1932. She thus became the first woman elected to the United States Senate -- Rebecca Latimer Felton had previously served a 'courtesy' appointment of one day.

First Woman Elected to the House

Jeannette Rankin is the first woman elected to Congress as a representative in 1917 from Montana. She was also the only congressman to vote against going to way during both WWI and WWII.

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