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Q: Founder of the American Red Crooss?
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Clara Barton was the founder of what?

Clara Barton was the Founder and first president of the American red cross

Who is the founder of the American Red Cross?

Jane Delano (1862-1919) was the founder ofthe American Red CrossClara barton was the real founder of the American red cross.

Clara Barton the founder of?

Clara was the founder of the American Red Cross in 1881

Who was The founder of the American red croos?

Clara Barton

Why did Clara Barton do?

she was the founder of the American Red Cross

What is a founder of the red cross called?

Clarissa Harlowe Barton better known as Clara Barton was the founder of The American Red Cross

What did Clara Barton do for the world?

She was the founder of the American Red Cross.

Did Clara Barton run for president?

No, she was the founder of the American Red Cross

Who was the first founder of the American red cross?

Clara Barton founded the red cross in May 1881

Why did Clara Barton want to be the founder of the American Red Cross?

it is aston villa

The founder of the American red cross was born December 25 who was she?

Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross, and she was born on Dec 25, 1821.

What roles did Clara barton play in the civil war?

Clara Barton was a nurse to the wounded soldiers. She also was the founder of the American Red Cross.