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Well he didn't really ban slaves. He hated how African Americans were treated. He didn't ask for the whole civil war, his talk of stopping enslavement caused it. After the north beat the south, alot people hated him. Which lead John wilks booths killing Abe ate point blank. Even after the war, Africans were treated poorly. Not until Martin l. King were there equal rights for Africans. But in the end he was killed too.

Addendum: President Lincoln was one of many Abolitionists and wanted to see slaves freed. He however, did not think blacks should live among whites and stated as much. He was all for sending them back to their Native Lands. The big problem was that many slaves were born in America and had no real roots elsewhere.

In the end Lincoln was not assassinated over slavery but over a Confederacy that did not want to see Federalism succeed. Slaves were finally freed by the Congress of the United States 6 months after the end of the Civil War by the 13th Amendment on Dec.6th, 1865.

Until that time slavery was still practiced in the Northern as well as Southern States.

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