kickapoo men wore breech cloth and leggins
tom, george, Jeff, Jason, Andrew, doug.... just to name a few of the many native American men I know......
Native Americans do not grow nearly as much facial hair as Europeans or Africans. It takes them a very long time to grow a beard. Their facial hair may just grow a half an inch or less over the course of two months! Their facial hair is also very thin.
Bull skin vest, groin cloth or nothing!! :)
Generally, there was very little significance of long hair to American Indian males. People place too much importance on hair styles for men. As with all society, how the Indian wore his hair depended upon what was in style at the time and subject to change and independent belief. It is believed that it was very important to Native American males to have long hair. They felt that having long hair was like having a sixth sense, that it eenhanced their abilities to protect themselves. When the Native Americans were enlisted in the military, people noticed that the ones who had long hair, were able to sense attackers and things out of the ordinary more easily. Those who had military haircuts, could not sense such things. There for, they believed long hair was sort of like a defence mechanism.
kickapoo men wore breech cloth and leggins
no, a true native american male dosent have leg hair or much facial either
Native American men usually wore breech-cloths that covered the lower waist. If it was colder outside they wore fabric leg attachments that could attach to the breech-cloths.
Some tribe do. men in many tribes wore BREECHCLOTHS.
T-shirts, jeans, underwear...This is the modern age, and few Native American tribes still wear their traditional garb.
No, the Roman men did not wear gel in their hair. Oil was used for all types of hairdressing by the Romans.No, the Roman men did not wear gel in their hair. Oil was used for all types of hairdressing by the Romans.No, the Roman men did not wear gel in their hair. Oil was used for all types of hairdressing by the Romans.No, the Roman men did not wear gel in their hair. Oil was used for all types of hairdressing by the Romans.No, the Roman men did not wear gel in their hair. Oil was used for all types of hairdressing by the Romans.No, the Roman men did not wear gel in their hair. Oil was used for all types of hairdressing by the Romans.No, the Roman men did not wear gel in their hair. Oil was used for all types of hairdressing by the Romans.No, the Roman men did not wear gel in their hair. Oil was used for all types of hairdressing by the Romans.No, the Roman men did not wear gel in their hair. Oil was used for all types of hairdressing by the Romans.
Do you Mean Indian from India? if so which part and what income class? OR do you mean Native American/Tribal clothing?
-feathers -fringe -tan -men wear different things than women -the clothes symbolized things
they grew hair :)
Usually they wore their hair up in powdered wigs, men also joined in this hair style growing their hair out and wearing it in a low pony tail
no sense made