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it lowered the voting age to 18

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Q: How did the Twenty-Sixth Amendment address concerns about age discrimination?
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What issue does Article V address?

it provides a way for the Constitution to be amended.or changeged. the process of witch the constuituion may be changed is not a easy one.

Which amendments to the US Constitution guarantee or address voting rights?

The fifteenth amendment prohibits denying the right to vote based on race or color. The nineteenth amendment prohibits denying the right to vote based on sex and the twenty sixth amendment guarantees the right to vote to all citizens over eighteen years old.

When did Lincoln give his first inaugural?

Lincoln's first inaugural address was on MArch 4, 1861!!

Should Affirmative Action be eliminated?

Affirmative action, otherwise known as "reverse-discrimination", is a policy that effectively discriminates against certain groups for the benefit of other groups. The intent of such a policy is to "even the playing field." The actual result, however, is that less qualified individuals unfairly gain access to employment, education, groups, etc at the expense of more qualified individuals. But this does not even begin to address the true underpinnings of discrimination. The result of affirmative action, or discrimination, is that those in the "target" groups that affirmative action is supposed to help might obtain credentials that are then questioned (fairly or unfairly) but others who wonder if their success was a product of talent and hard-work or of government-sponsorsored discrimination - ie affirmative action. So, the result is that affirmative action actually LEADS to stereotyping, the underpinning of discrimination. Affirmative Action should absolutely be eliminated. Fairness is not unilateral - the only way to address problems of discrimination is by even-ing the playing field for all. Education and free markets are the solution.

Can you paraphrase the Gettysburg Address?

yes, you can paraphrase the gettysburg address

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How do you use executive order in a sentence related to the presidency?

To address the concerns about workplace discrimination, the President issued an Executive Order to all Departments in the executive branch.

What amendment of the bill of rights was intended to address the concerns of the anti federalists?

I'd say all of the amendments of the Bill of Rights were intended to address the concerns of the Anti-Federalists since all directed toward the Federal Government and intended to limit its powers and behavior. But, in particular, the 10th specifically addressed States Rights. This is now an amendment that no longer has meaning.

Which program or law that was designed to address the effects of past discrimination is constitutional but extremely controversial?

Affirmative action was designed to address the effects of past discrimination.

Which program or law that was designed to address the effects of past discrimination is constitutional but still extremely controversial?

Affirmative action was designed to address the effects of past discrimination.

Which amendment to the constitution was to mollify those who feared the states would be destroyed by the new government?

The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution was included to address concerns that the powers not delegated to the federal government would be reserved to the states and the people. It aimed to protect the authority of the states by explicitly stating that any powers not given to the federal government are retained by the states or the people.

How did Patrick Henry address the concerns of the people who did not agree with him?

In 1775 Patrick Henry gave a speech to address the concerns of people who did not agree with him. Patrick Henry's speech was in defense of liberty.

Which of the following amendments to the Constitution does not address or guarantee voting rights?

Which of the following amendments to the Constitution does NOT address or guarantee voting rights?That would be the 7th Amendment.7th Amendment

Which amendment to the US Constitution did Brown v Board of Education and Plessy v Ferguson address?

14th amendment

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution did Brown v. Board of Education and Plessy v. Ferguson address?

fourteenth amendment

finding effective ways to address multiple concerns is an example of?

Problem solving.

Was the thirteenth amendment ratified before president Lincoln gave his second inaugural address?

No. The thirteenth amendment was ratified on December 6, 1865. He delivered the second inaugural address on March 4.

What do you do to get your parents to say yes?

Be polite and reasonable and do everything in your power to understand and address their concerns.