The Mound Builders were able to survive because they were hunters and gatherers. They built their shelters as huts and mounds and they lived in a small village.
my answer is builders mound
Mound builders were members of Native American tribes that had the responsibility of building burial mounds and earthwork fortifications. They lived in areas throughout regions in the Midwest and Southeast of the United States. Mount builders lived in hut like structures that they would build from natural materials of the earth.
the mound builders commancated in spainnsh
the mound builders crops where wheat, tobacco, rice, and many other tips of wheat.
they were huts with animal hide on the outside.
how did the mound builders survive
the mound builders
the mississippians are mound builders and they are the last of the mound builders in the usa
what is mound builders jewery meant for
mound builders
my answer is builders mound
The Mound Builders cruised to tokyo, Japan
The mound builders lived in the eastern part of the U.S.
the mississippians are mound builders and they are the last of the mound builders in the usa
The mound builders had no caste system.
The ancient mound builders were very skilled professionals.The archaeological site gives important insight into the lives of mound builders.