debizi-oziizigobiminzh debizi = lucky, to be lucky oziisigobiminzh(iig) = willow tree(s)
maamakaaj = amazing maamakaadizi = he/she/it is amazing, be amazing
I wouldn't say the US or even any side had a victory in the Cold War. It was a very tense time and we were all lucky to end it without use of nuclear weapons.
The Anishinabe (also called Chippewa and Ojibway) lived in the Great Lakes region of North America, and were most concentrated around Lake Superior.
Feather. If you were lucky.
In Ojibway, "welcome" is said as "boozhoo."
how would you say hello , good morning , good afternoon in aboriginal
alot, many = niibowa
The Ojibway (Anishinaabe) word for the willow tree is papakoosigun
In Ojibwe, "goodbye" can be said as "biindigen."
yup. she was nine. lucky, right!?
"Great" in Ojibwe can be translated as "gichi".
Most non-Ojibway names are not translatable into the Ojibway language. However, many Ojibway speakers will attempt to pronounce common names into Ojibway style. Note that the Ojibway language does not contain the following consonants in the language: f, l, r, and v. Ojibway syllabics can be used to spell out the name, however the missing consontants are usually borrowed from similar languages that use syllabics (i.e. Cree).
Ojibway Provincial Park was created in 1975.
In the Cree language the word for a willow tree or bush is nîpisîy, a willow stick is nîpisîhtak, and a red willow is mihkwâpemak.
Dose willow smith know how to fight
The area of Ojibway Provincial Park is 26.3 square kilometers.