maamakaaj = amazing maamakaadizi = he/she/it is amazing, be amazing
debizi-oziizigobiminzh debizi = lucky, to be lucky oziisigobiminzh(iig) = willow tree(s)
The Anishinabe (also called Chippewa and Ojibway) lived in the Great Lakes region of North America, and were most concentrated around Lake Superior.
moh kins'stis
They ate fish, rice, corn, beans, squash, berries, animals that they got from hunting like deer, moose, bear, beaver, fish, and they take water and put it in a bowl and put meat in it and made soup.................... By: Scarlett Emberton
The Ojibwe translation for "no problem" is "aa saakode."
In Ojibway, "welcome" is said as "boozhoo."
amazing adj incredibilis.
The word for amazing in Tagalog is "kagila-gilalas."
Whats the translation for Amazing Dawn in Cherokee
Most non-Ojibway names are not translatable into the Ojibway language. However, many Ojibway speakers will attempt to pronounce common names into Ojibway style. Note that the Ojibway language does not contain the following consonants in the language: f, l, r, and v. Ojibway syllabics can be used to spell out the name, however the missing consontants are usually borrowed from similar languages that use syllabics (i.e. Cree).
Ojibway Provincial Park was created in 1975.
The translation for "amazing boy" in Hawaiian is "keiki ho'onani."
The word "amazing" can be translated to Tagalog as "kagila-gilalas."
The area of Ojibway Provincial Park is 26.3 square kilometers.
In Ojibway, "stah" does not have a specific meaning. Ojibway uses a syllabary rather than an alphabet, with each character representing a syllable rather than a specific letter or sound. It's important to note that Ojibway is a complex language with a different structure compared to English.