the number of congressmen was to be determined by the population of the state.
Congressmen .
They all did. But the Western counties of Virginia formed a separate state and seceded from Virginia - a new Union state called West Virginia. So Virginia itself was a smaller version of what it had been.
If this question means: "where was most of the US Civil War battles fought?" then the answer was in Virginia. Virginia's proximity to the Union borders and the Confederacy's capital of Richmond, Virginia was an invitation for many conflicts in Virginia. Aside from the location of Virginia, it was also a rich farmland that helped supply with food for much of the war.
the number of congressmen was to be determined by the population of the state.
The number of congressmen for each state was based on population.
there were 2houses 3 branches and 3 congressmen hope it helped!
The Population of the state.
Connecticut has 2 Senators and 5 Congressmen.
Congressmen can be reelected an infinite amount of times. There is no limit to how many terms they can serve.
All of them. Congressmen are elected for two year terms.
Mississippi has two senators. Based on population, there are four representatives, or congressmen.
There can be no more than 435 congressmen in the House of Representitives.
California currently has 53 US Congressmen and 80 State Assemblymen.