Every person on board United Airlines Flight 93 was killed on impact (44 fatalities). That includes the 37 passengers (including hijackers) and 7 crew.
1zillion trillion billion
all of the people that died and all of the buildings that collapsed 9/11 was a tragedy that occurred in the year 2001 that struck a solid blow to the nations government. Yes the people died and the buildings fell but the truth is that some of America's finest were in those buildings when the airplanes hit the towers. What most people forget is that the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania were also hit on this day.
Well this answer is obvious. Everyone that died in the 911 attack was used as an excuse to become overly patriotic!! Then came the fear campaign to dupe the American people into an ideological war on "terror" that was designed not to ever be resolved and for the purpose of profit.
i dont really know but i know that it has given people a reason why we feel like we cant trust anyone
let me think.... you will be one tonight.... so add 1 more to the list
About 2,800 people died.
Over 3,000 people died.
33 Flight Crewmembers perished at the hands of terrorists on September 11, 2001
Eight children died on 9/11, but none were on Flight 93. Five of them were on Flight 77 (which crashed into the Pentagon) and the other three were on Flight 175 (which hit the south tower of the WTC).
In 911 attack there were about 2,752 people that died
Many people died in 9/11. Including the terrorists, but 2,977 innocent people died due to that event
There were 189 people who died in the attack on the Pentagon, 11 September 2001. There were 125 civilians and military service members on the ground. There were 64 passengers, including the five terrorists on American Flight 77.
yeah many
2977 as given data
If you're talking about the hijacked Flight 93, 44 people, including the hijackers.