The shooting on May 4, 1970 resulted in 4 deaths and 9 injuries (one student was left paralyzed).
some blame the State troopers and some blame the students themselves, no matter what, it was a tragedy.
reported false information about the incident. [NovaNet] :)
There had been many people and students protesting the war all that week, they went so far as to burn the soldier education building on campus. Since the protest had gotten so out of hand, the national guard was called. Then on May 4th, by the Kent State victory bell, the protest went on, the national guard had surrounded the protest and were throwing tear gas into the crowd. The crowd soon was filling the tear gas cans with cement and throwing them back at the guard, the guard somehow had a miscommunication (as they put it) and fired. The shots hit 13 students, wounding 9, and killing 4.
On the Kent State campus in Ohio on May 4, 1970, the National Guard troops, attempting to deal with a crowd of student protesters, fired their weapons at the demonstrators. Unfortunately, their shots carried hundreds of feet, killing or wounding innocent students as well as protesters. Four students were killed and nine injured (one paralyzed). The blame for the shootings was initially on agitators on the campus, but this was exacerbated by poor crowd control training for the part-time National Guard soldiers. Evidence indicated that the involvement of student activists and informants led to the violence, but no proof of snipers or other initiating factors was ever presented.
See: Kent State University Shootings
Kent State Shootings
After the Kent State shootings of May 4, 1970, student protests continued to some extent until the end of the Vietnam War. There were convictions of three students involved, but a conviction of guardsmen and officials was overturned due to jury intimidation. The case was settled with the payment of reparations to the families of those injured and killed. The use of armed guardsmen was restricted after recommendations by public commissions. The use of lethal ammunition by the Guard became severely restricted.
If you are asking about the Kent State shootings from 1970 (the ones that were memorialized in the song "Ohio" by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young), four students were killed and nine were seriously wounded (one of whom suffered paralysis).
Only four.
The song was written about the 1970 shootings during a non-violent peace rally at Kent State University in Ohio, where 4 people were killed by the National Guard.
Assassination of JFK, Kent State Shootings, Watergate.
After years of legal battles over the 1970 Kent State shootings, the families received payments of reparations. In the addition, the use of lethal ammunition by the National Guard became highly restricted.
On May 4, 1970, four students were killed and nine wounded by National Guard troops at Kent State University in Ohio. The students were protesting the invasion of Cambodia, announced by Richard Nixon the week before. Kent State University
There was the Chicago riots of '68 and the Kent State Shootings in '70.
At Kent State University they were shot by Guardsmen after rocks/bricks had been thrown at the men.
He publicly blamed the student protesters, prompting a series of protests all over the country.