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reported false information about the incident. [NovaNet] :) <3
Newspapers reported the incident. Four students were shot at at an anti-war protest at Kent State university, by the national guard, which was reacting to rocks being thrown at them. Today's lesson: do not throw rocks at armed men.

They published the stories.


Reported false information about the incident.
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Q: After the shootings at kent state in may 1970 most American newspapers did what?
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After years of legal battles over the 1970 Kent State shootings?

After years of legal battles over the 1970 Kent State shootings, the families received payments of reparations. In the addition, the use of lethal ammunition by the National Guard became highly restricted.

After the shooting at Kent state in may 1970 most American newspapers what a were closed down by the government b promised not to show photos c reported false info or d ignored the story?

Your question is awkwardly worded. Are you asking about what happened after May 4 or how did most newspapers cover it? I can provide answers if you rephrase the question. What they are asking is "After the shootings at Kent State in May 1970, most American newspapers......" a.were closed down by the federal government b.promised not to show photos from the scene c.reported fals information about the incident d.ignord the story This is a Novanet Question and to be honest i dont really know the answer so if anyone could help that would be absolutly lovely!

In 1970 after the kent state shootings what happened?

The shootings led to protests by over four million students and the closing of over 900 campuses across the country. This was the only nationwide student strike in the history of the United States.

Which universities were shut down because of the Vietnam war protest?

Start research with "Kent State University Shootings" (03 May 1970).

In 1970 most Americans blamed blank for the kent state shooting?

I happened to be around in 1970 (and was a university student at the time) so I can speak from personal experience. We blamed the policies of the Nixon administration, which had needlessly prolonged the Vietnamese War, for the Kent State shootings.

In 1970 the Ohio National Guard was called to Kent State University after?

Actually it was because of protests to the President invading Cambodia. There had been a ROTC building burned down during this time as well as protesters throwing glass bottles at the police. So basically it happend after student riots broke out on campus and in the neighboring town.

When did US enter Cambodia during Vietnam war?

US bombers softened up targets during the last days of April 1970. US ground units officially crossed the border on 01 May 1970. The Kent State shootings occurred four days later, on 04 May 1970.

Which of President Nixon's policies led to renewed antiwar protests?

His invasion (incursion) of Cambodia on 01 May 1970 resulted in the Kent State University shootings on 04 May 1970. See book: INTO CAMBODIA, by K. W. Nolan and song "OHIO", by Crosby, Stills, Nash (and Young).

What happened after the Kent State shootings?

After the Kent State shootings of May 4, 1970, student protests continued to some extent until the end of the Vietnam War. There were convictions of three students involved, but a conviction of guardsmen and officials was overturned due to jury intimidation. The case was settled with the payment of reparations to the families of those injured and killed. The use of armed guardsmen was restricted after recommendations by public commissions. The use of lethal ammunition by the Guard became severely restricted.

How many people were killed at the kent state shootings?

The shooting on May 4, 1970 resulted in 4 deaths and 9 injuries (one student was left paralyzed).

What did Neil Young write about in the song Ohio?

The song was written about the 1970 shootings during a non-violent peace rally at Kent State University in Ohio, where 4 people were killed by the National Guard.

What accounted for the change in American attitude during the 1970?

what accounted for the changes in American attitudes are in the 1970