How sophisticated and technologically advanced were the Native American societies encountered by Cortés
If the ancestor was a disgrace then that person will look at them as a joke.
No technology. In 1500 there was very little except Native American societies.
The similarities between American and British societies in terms of the rights of individual liberty, suffrage, and property were both American and British societies set up the ideas of fundamental rights, rule of law and representative government. In terms of individual rights, both American and British societies guarantees the ideas from the Magna Carta which included the freedom from illegal arrest, trial by jury, and no taxation without consent etc.. In addition, both American and British societies provide the rule of law to protect people's fundamental rights and liberty that everyone had to obey. In term of suffrage, both American and suffrage provided limited suffrage to people in the societies to white male property owners. Moreover, in term of property, same as British society, laws in American society protected the owning of property. For example, American colonists believed that the security of life and liberty were based on the security of property and one purpose of government was to protect property. American and British societies were different in term of equality of opportunity. American colonists had greater equality of opportunities to achieve prosperity than people in British society and there were equal chance for people to improve their life which become the fundamental idea in American society. Unlike American society, British society had a rigid class system in which some wealthy and family name allowed the automatic success in a land where other people had to work hard in order to survive. American society and British society also differ in term of suffrage because in American society, the people who had the right of suffrage were offered a choice of competition candidates for office and representatives. However, in British society, the voting of office and representatives were limited by social classes.
just cause
Native American Societies
How were clans important in Native American societies?
American Council of Learned Societies was created in 1919.
The UK is one of the most technologically advanced countries, catering to the tune of 60000000 people you have to be technologically prepared and efficient. I'm American btw
American Federation of Information Processing Societies was created in 1961.
American Federation of Information Processing Societies ended in 1990.
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology was created in 1912.
By the time of the Mexican-American War, U.S. soldiers were technologically equivalent to those of Europe due to advances
American Indians (First Nations).
Many Native American societies did not believe in ownership of the land therefore it was not theirs to buy or sell.