While the "Native Americans," the Norse, the Chinese and perhaps others discovered America earlier, the discovery by Columbus in 1492 is considered the "official" date of discovery becasue that is the discovery from which the modern world descends.
The US was founded (not discovered) in 1776 AD.
North America was discovered by Europeans in 1492 AD.
North America discovered in Colorado
It was valuable to them because the European countries claimed North America as their own in the early 1500s, and discovered North and Central America on accident while looking for a sea route to Indonesia.
Vikings 500 years before Columbus. Columbus did NOT find North America. He landed on an island in 1492 while looking for a water route to India. All but a small fraction of the books and people that would prove this were burned and killed by Christopher Columbus and his men in 1492-1493.
Scandinavia. (vikings)
the man who opened doors for the Americans and discovered America
Richard Hakluyt it was John Cabot
Amerigo Vespucci discovered that Asia was not a part of America. America was named after him.
America was "discovered" not invented.
Your Mom, Discovered America
Christopher Columbus discovered the coast of South America. He also discovered the West Indies and Central America. He discovered the Bahamas, Cuba, and Haiti.
He didn't! Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492 but Drake discovered Western America.
In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered the continents of North America and South America.
The Pilgrims did not actually discover America. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
the cacao bean was discovered at South America
Christopher Columbus discovered America.
America is called "America" because it was discovered by Amerigo Vespucci
America is called "America" because it was discovered by Amerigo Vespucci