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The use of privateers by the Americans was the most effective action against British shipping. ..

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Q: In the War of 1812 the most effective American action against British shipping was by?
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What was the most effective American action against British shipping in the war of 1812?

The use of privateers by the Americans was the most effective action against British shipping. ..

What effect did the British naval actions against France beginning in 1807 have on American shipping?

B. They increased maritime incidents of seizure and impressment.

What effect did the British naval actions against France beginning in 1807 have American shipping?

B. They increased maritime incidents of seizure and impressment.

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Most likely the attacks by Germany (in either world war) against American civilians and American shipping in the Atlantic Ocean.

Why did patriots authorized privateering against british shipping?

We will authorize privateering against British shipping. We should do this because Britain are making lethal taxes while putting sky-high prices on our daily needs. We will come armed and stand out to the British to show them that we are responsible enough to be independent.

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the attacks that the British lead against the American forces is that they seized the American ships and they kidnapped American sailors.

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If you were a Patriot in the American Revolution you were an American against the British.

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