names of union members that are circulated among company owners who then refuse to hire those real smartthe real answer is black list or black listed.
Depends on the year of that series of notes. Signatures are those of the Treasurer of the US, and of the Secretary of the Treasury at the time that series of notes was printed. Names change as the people in those offices change.
It depends greatly on the year, mintmark and condition. Rule of thumb is they are worth at least $25 in 90% silver scrap, how much more depends on those 3 variables listed above.
Cuz they felt like naming them those names.
I like the classics, I was talking to someone from those parts on the Internet, and her name was Billie-Jo and her little sister was Mary-Lou, but I think Mary was spelt Marea. It was still beautiful, though.
Ontario, Huron, Michigan, Erie, and superior. those are all the great lakes
Yes, those are the five Great Lakes.
Sunshine_675 or Smiley_900 those are great names if you wanna go hardcore put sunny_babe22
Michigan, Wisconson, Illinois and Indiana touch Lake Michigan.
Those two pieces of land are accutly a whole state, the state of Michigan
Americans generally reckon FIVE Great Lakes: Superior, Huron, Michigan, Ontario and Eire. Some Europeans, however, consider Huron and Michigan to be two arms of a single lake, since they're connected by open water.
it is important because it is one of the five great lakes and those are some of the biggest lakes in the whole intire USA.
No... Michigan is among those 5 states which are not included in NDR
The most common names for a dog are: Spot, Lucky, Paws, Patches those kind of names, but you can use normal names like Cody or Lulu etc...But some human names kind of don't suit dogs.
In the state of Michigan, the two most prevalent careers are those in the auto industry and in the shipping industry. Many automotive companies are based out of Detroit, and many shipping companies operate on the Great Lakes.
Those with a Green Thumb badge include:Aggie80CowleyaGinezumiGuineagirl96JadeacresJuteKharrimaMattAprilMooblerMRAMybrainMyrab51NewboyatWikiRudiful2Salil91Squirrel ManStanzz123Stupid Little GeniusVictoryAh95Xwizardgodx
The "Great Lakes States" are the states surrounding (bordering) the Great Lakes: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. You can also include the Canadian province of Ontario if you want to be thorough.