It is the United States postal sorting center in Chicago. Here is a list of all US sorting centers
let me think.... you will be one tonight.... so add 1 more to the list
Click the related link to see a list of First ladies of U.S with details.
Sacco and Vanzetti were immigrants, anarchists and they were convicted of murder. Explanation: Sacco and Vanzetti were immigrants in the United States from Italy, they are believed to be followers of Luigi Galleani, an Italian anarchist. Gallenist group was on top of the united states' dangerous enemies list.
The original 13 states are, in alphabetical order, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Virginia.Here's the list (from north to south):New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
A list of United States senators and the states they represent can be found on the official United States Senate website. Many state websites will also list the Senators.
The Mohave desert is located in the United States.
A great place to find a list of the Presidents of the United States of America is on Wikipedia. Another website that has the list of US presidents is 'PresidentUSA'.
Kansas, Kentucky
Tennessee and Texas
The bureau of census has a list of female first names ordered by their frequency in the United States. Please see the related links.
The Askmen website has a list of the top ten highest paid jobs in the United States. The list include: Marketing Manager, Lawyer and topping the list is an Anaesthesiologists.
George Washington was the first president of the United States. There were none before him.
One engine for finding states or counties in the United States is the United States Census Bureau's online Geocoding Service. This tool allows users to input an address or coordinates and receive corresponding location information, including state and county data.
Available jobs at Abbott in the United States can be found by referencing the Abbott careers website. The career site will list all jobs in the United States simply by searching by country. Currently there are 230 jobs available at Abbott throughout the United States.
that list probably does not list Puerto Rico because it is a commonwelth state of the United States. It is still a latin American country.