First off, His name is spelled, Cabrillo. C-A-B-R-I-L-L-O. He sailed along the coast of Present -day California.
Incorrect! Juan Cabrilho was a Portuguese explorer and "Cabrilho" is the correct spelling. "Cabrillo" is a Spanish spelling of his name.
There are not sixteen states on the Southern coastline of the US. I count six. Go to a map of the United States, locate the Southern coast (that's along the Gulf of Mexico) and check the names of the states.
Along the Northeast coast
pacific coast
Tripoli was the Barbary Coast state that declared war on the United States in 1801
Sir Francis drake sailed the West Coast in 1579 - Kasey
Henry The Navigator for real
sailed along coast of virginia
James Cook
Sir Francis Drake.
amerigo vespucci
Giovanni da Verrazano sailed the Atlantic coast of North America in 1524. He was the first European to explore the Atlantic coast of North America since the Norse.
In 1497, John Cabot sailed the northeastern coast of north America on an expedition sponsored by King Henry VII.
In the 1400s, Chinese explorers sailed along the eastern coast of Africa, while Portuguese explorers sailed along the western coast of Africa. The Chinese explorer Zheng He led expeditions to East Africa, while Portuguese explorers such as Bartolomeu Dias and Vasco da Gama reached the southern tip of Africa and eventually sailed to India.
Bartolomeu Dias
It was a women taking over for her dead husband.During her regin,Egyptians traders sailed along the coast of East Africa.