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Union victories at Mobile Bay and the Shenandoah Valley rescued Lincoln from what looked like a smashing defeat and produced a Presidential victory in 1864.

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Q: Lincoln's reelection in 1864 became far more likely when?
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What was true about Lincolns reelection in 1864?

It was greatly helped when Sherman captured Atlanta.

What helped bring Lincolns reelection in 1864?

Several factors contributed to Lincoln's reelection in 1864 against George Brinton McClellan. When Atlanta fell on September 2, a Union victory was almost ensured. The Democratic party was divided between those who supported the war and those who did not.

Who was Lincolns running mate in the 1864 election?

Andrew Johnson, who became president upon Lincoln's death , ran with Lincoln in 1864.

When was the reelection of Lincoln?


How did battlefeild events affect lincolns reelection?

They rescued him at the last minute, in time for the election of November 1864. September saw Sheridan clearing the Shenandoah, Sherman taking Atlanta and Farragut liberating the port of Mobile.

What did the reelection of lincoln in 1864 show?

The reelection of Abraham Lincoln in 1864 showed that the war effort had turned in the North's favor. The election was between Lincoln and George B. McClellan.

Which factor helped Abraham Lincoln when reelection in 1864?

eating butt

About Lincoln's reelection in 1864 is true?

It was greatly helped when SHerman captured Atlanta.

Which factor helped Abraham Lincoln win the reelection in 1864?

Lincoln's reelection in 1864 was due to Sherman's capture of Atlanta and his March to the Sea. (Lincoln did not run for President until 1860. Buchanan won in 1854.)

What aided Lincolns re-election in 1864?

The Capture of Atlanta by Sherman's Union Army on November 2, 1864. It was the end of an offensive campaign which started on May 45, 1864.

Who was Lincolns Democratic opponent in the election of 1864?

Lincoln's Democratic opponent in the election of 1864 was General George McClellan.

What statement was true about Lincoln's reelection in 1864 is true?

It was greatly helped when sherman captured atlanta