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Lincoln's Democratic opponent in the election of 1864 was General George McClellan.

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Emie Howe

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Lincoln's Democratic opponent in the election of 1864 was General George McClellan.

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Q: Who was Lincolns Democratic opponent in the election of 1864?
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Lincoln's Democratic opponent in the election of 1864?

Douglas 1860, McCelland 1864

General George McClellan was Lincoln's Democratic opponent in the 1864 election.?


Who was Lincolns running mate in the 1864 election?

Andrew Johnson, who became president upon Lincoln's death , ran with Lincoln in 1864.

The temporary 1864 coalition of republicans and war democrats that backed lincolns re-election?

Union Party

What aided Lincolns re-election in 1864?

The Capture of Atlanta by Sherman's Union Army on November 2, 1864. It was the end of an offensive campaign which started on May 45, 1864.

Who was the democratic party presidential candidates in the 1864 election?

George McClellan

Who was the democratic nominee for president in the 1864 election?

General George McClellan, although he was lukewarm about the Democratic Party platform in that election.

Did Democratic Party won during civil war?

No. The November 1864 General Election was won by Lincoln.

Did General George McClellan was Lincoln's Democratic opponent in the 1864 election?

Yes he did. The two men never liked each other and a part of McClellan's motivation was probably spite and resentment for Lincoln having relieved McClellan of command of The Army of the Potomac.

Who was the Democratic Party's nominee for vice president in the 1864 presidential election?

The Democratic Party's nominee for vice president in the 1864 presidential elections was George Pendelton. He was the running mate of the Party's presidential nominee George B. McClellan.

Who was the Democratic Party president candidate in 1864 election?

Republican Party candidate incumbent President Abraham Lincoln won reelection in the 1864 presidential election defeating Democratic Party candidate George McClellan. In the 1864 presidential election Abraham Lincoln received 212 electoral votes and George McClellan received 21 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Lincoln 2,218,388 and McClellan 1,812,807.

Who was the democratic nominee for presidentin election of 1868?

George McClellan was the Democratic Party candidate in the 1864 presidential election. Incumbent President Abraham Lincoln won reelection in the 1864 presidential election defeating George McClellan. In the 1864 presidential election Abraham Lincoln received 212 electoral votes and George McClellan received 21 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Lincoln 2,218,388 and McClellan 1,812,807.