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Q: Most US Americans believe themselves to be?
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What did most Americans believe the us should do at the outbreak of ww1?

Most Americans did not want to join the war... In fact, Woodrow Wilson (the president during WW1) wanted to be neutral, isolated instead of go into war.

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if he did not believe in the war, Nither did most Americans or that Americans no longer believed the Vietnam war could be won <3 kelsmo :)

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people use your BRAINS to answer this

For the US what were consequences of The War of 1812?

1)increase in patriotism 2)weakend native Americans 3)increase in American industry 4)proved themselves able to defend themselves against the most powerful armies

How many people in the us believe in god?

most of the us believe in god

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because it was in another continent

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Many Americans did in fact believe that the US needed to expand its power overseas to ensure economic growth. Others believed that this would not help.

Is the US Atheist?

No. While there are atheists in the US, most Americans identify as Christians.

How did Americans believe the immigration quota would maintain the character of the US?

i love one direction.

How many Gods did the native Americans worship?

Some tribes had many Gods. Some only worshiped the Sun. But most all believe in one Creator who created all of us.

What is that thing which you Believe in and do not Know And Know it but do not Believe in?

God And Death Most of us believe in God but do not know Him All of us know death is inevitable but do not believe in.

Who were the first immigrants to the the US?

I believe that would be African Americans but check up on my answer I'm not quite sure.