to hear where the horses were approaching from, it could be the enemy or could just be somebody they are waiting for
Carpenters, boatmen, mothers, and lumberjacks are the occupations Whitman attribute to Americans in you hear America.
The Indians had a method of tanning leather that was referred to as "Brain-tanned". I don't know how this worked or if they really used brains. And I don't know if they used brains of buffalo or deer or something else. But that is what it was called. And from what I hear, their tanning resulted in a nice soft leather that was a shade of White.
To see and hear,rather than just hear.
Columbus was looking for a route to Asia for the purpose of garnering their vast trove of spices. The closest way to Asia was the eastern route, but that was heavily guarded by the Ottoman empire, so he went west (not to see if the world was round, that was proven a long time ago). Instead, he stumbled upon the shores of America quite by accident. He thought, however, he had arrived in India. Unaware of his mistake, he referred to the locals as "Indians" (in his language, Spanish: los Indios) and the label was repeated so often as to become common. It did not help that there were thousands of "Indian" tribes, each known by a different tribal name; e.g., Hurons, Crows, Algonquins, Lakota, Dakota, Fox, Mohicans, etc. Unlike "Spaniards, Germans, French, there wasn't (and still isn't, one name to identify the race mistakenly called "Indians." Even those locals who understood the question were only able to answer the question broadly as "first man" or First Americans" in their own language. If an outsider like Columbus asked a Lakota, for example, what his "race" was called, the answer might be "Tyospaye"--the Lakota word for man/friend. Whereas, if the question were asked of a member of a Michigan tribe such as the Chippewa or Odawa, the same answer would be "Anishanobe" which means first or original (person). Despite this, people still refer to Native Americans as Indians, even though we've now known for centuries that Columbus made a mistake and that Indians are really on the other side of the world. However doing so may be offensive to both real Indians and Native Americans since it was all a mistake that should be fixed. This next is to clear up another misnomer: Used to be common to hear the term "Amazonians" meaning a race of wild, uncivilized women of tall stature, half-naked, running around in the Amazon jungle. Turns out to be another mistake. I think that, too, was made by Columbus, but not sure. Turns out those wild women were actually Native Men, bare-chested, and long-haired. The mistake was made mainly based on the length of hair. Guess white men, back then, didn't wear their hair long and free. --Marty
Horses do have ears just like humans.
Some, but not all, native Americans and pioneer scouts put their ears to the ground. Sound is carried easier through solids than through the gas in the air. They are able to hear things like galloping horses in the distance like that.
Yes, this helps them to hear far off horses or buffalo.
They can discern the vibrations of horses in the distance, estimate how many there are as well as the speed of travel.
Ever hear of manifest destiny everyone wanted the US to expand all the way to the shores of the pacific the native americans however didnt link the proposal.
Carpenters, boatmen, mothers, and lumberjacks are the occupations Whitman attribute to Americans in you hear America.
Yes, you can get vibrations by putting your ear to the ground.
It's surprising at first to hear, but in the days of the Native Americans before White colonists arrived to the New World, petroleum oil used to seep up from under the ground and form small puddles on the ground. Native Americans of course touched it, and noticed that this black goo softened their hands. So then, they tried it on scratches and minor injuries and saw that it helped. They also found that even a small amount could catch fire. Native Americans taught Whites the benefits of this black but nearly magical substance. It wasn't until a man named Edwin L. Drake in Pennsylvania made the first oil derrick and drilled the world's first oil well in 1859 that anyone could bring this black substance from underground and collect it. Drake's Oil Well birthed modern-day petroleum industry. In the 1800s, petroleum was advertised as a cure all for nearly anything. Vaseline (TM) is one of the oldest self-help remedies that uses petroleum jelly.
You can hear them because the rhythm of their hooves hitting the ground vibrates the Earth, so you are hearing the vibrations.
hear americans talk mess
cease firing when you do not hear enemy fire
A snake "hears" by sensing vibrations in the ground.
It does sadden my heart when I hear of the atrocities against my ancestors. But this is unecessary, remember that the Native Americans were a forgiving and caring people. They helped the whites when they got to the land because they almost died off. Thanksigiving is thanksgiving, not thankstaking. And to be politically correct there was no land to steal, native americans did not believe in the ownership of land, they merely took care of what their ancestors left for them and for what they will leave for their children. Please please please! Do not fill with hatred, the Native Americans are not a hatred based people, celebrate and give thanks if not for what has happened in the past.