The Europeans gained control over the Native Americans by taking their land and their important riches.
The stronger person or nation is exploiting the weaker one. They are taking over just because the weaker nation is not able to defend itself.
It removed French control of New Orleans and the Mississippi River.
it is only fair to give extra help to people from disadvantage groups
each person should be judged as an individual, without taking anything else in consideration no one should discriminated against because he or she is not from a minority group
force theory of government.
Oligarchy is the rule of the few. In this system an elite group or even a single dictator has absolute power. This is always disastrous due to human nature.
Many people control their ADD by taking prescription medicines.
yes we have by destroying there territory, taking there food, hunting them
answer this freakin question!
Yes the person is Joe and he fores mira to kill But then she losse control of Hershel and kills Joe.
The birth control pill can not give you Hiv. Hiv is contracted from a body fluid exchange with a infected person.
coloniazation is the taking control of the administraion of a people or country by another country
The amount of time a person is sick from first taking birth control pills is different tor each person. You should call your doctor to make sure you are not having side affects to the pills.
TO CONTROL TRADE WITH ASIAN LANDS.The main discrepancy between colonialism and imperialism is that colonialism was taking over uncharted land or territories. Imperialism was ruling over the people who already inhabited a certain territory or landmass and imposing your culture on them.
Taking Back Control was created in 2006.