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The tools that they used were stone hammerheads and hard cow patties.

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The most famous is the bow and arrow, but also spears. They also did the head smashed in buffalo jump.

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Q: Plains Cree what tools if any did they use?
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What is the difference between Plains Cree and Woodlands Cree Indians?

the plains cree had prairie land whereas the woodlands cree lived in a more lively habitat. The Plains Cree used to live in tepees and hunted mainly buffalo, much like the other neighboring plains nations; with the advent of the horse these Plains cultures flourished. Woodlands Cree lived in wigwams (conical structures) similar to the plains, but hunted moose, deer and fished. Woodland Cree commuted the rivers in canoes as a means of transport. There are also dialect differences with some Woodlands and Plains Cree. Also, the dialect of "Y" is used by the Plains Cree and some Woodlands Cree use the "TH" dialect. The Plains Cree also tend to speak in a more sedate (slower) manner and the northern Woodlands speak faster.

What tools did Creek Indians use?

The Cree people's tools were also known as (project points) were spears,pottery,bangles,chisles and scrapers.Cree people used all of these tools daily,and took time using them because it was hard and time working.

What do the wyandots make their tools with?

Do Wandot use a aminal to tools and Wandot use Spencer Parker to use a tools

What did the Cree Indians use as currency?

They did not have currency, they bartered.

What did the hupa tribe use for tools?

The Hupa tribesâ?? people used tools they crafted from stone, bones, wood, elk horn, and shells. They used these to shape platters, bowls, and storage chests out of cedar. They also used tools for food preparation and eating and hunting.

Related questions

What is the difference between Plains Cree and Woodlands Cree Indians?

the plains cree had prairie land whereas the woodlands cree lived in a more lively habitat. The Plains Cree used to live in tepees and hunted mainly buffalo, much like the other neighboring plains nations; with the advent of the horse these Plains cultures flourished. Woodlands Cree lived in wigwams (conical structures) similar to the plains, but hunted moose, deer and fished. Woodland Cree commuted the rivers in canoes as a means of transport. There are also dialect differences with some Woodlands and Plains Cree. Also, the dialect of "Y" is used by the Plains Cree and some Woodlands Cree use the "TH" dialect. The Plains Cree also tend to speak in a more sedate (slower) manner and the northern Woodlands speak faster.

What tools did the Cree use to make their clothing?


How do you say welcome in cree?

Welcome in Cree (generally as there are a number of Cree dialects including northern, plains and swampy) is: WachiyaHello is :Tansi

What did the plains cree use for shelter?

the plains got there shelter covering is by killing the buffalo and taking the hide then the meat is to eat.

How did the plains cree travel?

They use sled dogs and canoes to travel on land and water. Please like

What kind of weapons did the cree use?

The Cree weapons were: bow and arrows, spears, clubs and knives.

What tools did woodland cree use?

The most famous Woodland Cree weapon was the bow and arrow. Other Cree weapons included spears, clubs, and knives. The East Crees used bone fishhooks and nets for fishing.

What tools did Creek Indians use?

The Cree people's tools were also known as (project points) were spears,pottery,bangles,chisles and scrapers.Cree people used all of these tools daily,and took time using them because it was hard and time working.

Who is the use of iron tools and implements in the sixth fifth centuries B C led to?

The use of iron tools and implements did not lead to any person!The use of iron tools and implements did not lead to any person!The use of iron tools and implements did not lead to any person!The use of iron tools and implements did not lead to any person!

What did cree use moose for?


What materials did the australopithecus use to make tools?

They did not make any tools.

What animals did plains Indians depend on and how did they use those animals?

They depend on buffalo and horses. They use horses for transportation and they use buffalo for food, cloth shelter and tools.