french writers and artists such as Charles baudelaire, Gustave Flaubert, and Edouard Manet
The Hudson and Potomac.
It is the Appalachian mountains.
The earliest human settlements were little farming villages located in Mesopotamia, modern-day Iraq.
Answer: Writing existed thousands of years before the United States came into existence. The earliest writings can be dated back to around 3500 Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq) and it was called Cuneiform. If the question is specific about the Americas in particular, the earliest forms of writing were pictographic and were used by the Meso-american Indians such as the Olmecs, the Mayans and later on the Aztecs. Hope this helps
paleo Indians
The American modernists took their inspiration from the painter Edouard Manet, the poet Charles Beaudelaire and the writer Gustave Flaubert.
apex..... French writers and artists such as Charles Baudelaire, Gustave Flaubert, and Edouard Manet
i thinks Olmec civilization is earliest civilization
After the Civil War
imitative of
imitative of
Their civilization has the earliest known example of an alphabet and writing that influenced the Hebrews and the Greeks.
The Sumerians
Earliest should be at around 15; before 15 the child is too immature and very easily influenced.
She wrote one of the earliest texts promoting the ideals of feminism.