they came across a ice-land bridge from Asia
Scholars believe the first people who arrived in the Americas came from Russia. They believe these people crossed the great ice bridge.
Exchange of goods and ideas between the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. A sought-after direct water route to Asia through the Americas.
Oceania is also known as Oceanica or the "Australasian ecozone" . What constitutes as the Oceania can vary but it is broadly known as the region between Asia and the Americas.
The Bering Land Bridge, also known as Beringia, was approximately 1,000 miles wide at its maximum extent during the last Ice Age. This land bridge connected Asia and North America, enabling early humans to migrate into the Americas.
The Bering Land Bridge, also known as Beringia, connected Asia and North America during the last ice age. This land bridge emerged as sea levels dropped due to the large amount of water locked in glaciers, allowing human migration from Asia to the Americas.
North America and Asia were connected by a land bridge known as Beringia during the last ice age.
North America and Asia were connected by a land bridge known as Beringia during the last Ice Age. This land bridge allowed early humans to migrate between the two continents.
George washtin bridge
The Bering Land Bridge.
Scientists believe that during the last ice age, around 15,000 to 20,000 years ago, people migrated from Asia to the Americas by crossing a land bridge that connected Siberia to Alaska, known as Beringia. As the ice age glaciers locked up water, sea levels dropped, creating this land bridge that allowed for human migration.
Asia and NorthAmerica
The land bridge theory suggests that around 10,000 years ago, a land bridge called Beringia connected Asia and North America, facilitating the migration of early humans into the Americas. This theory helps explain how humans first populated the Americas by crossing from Asia into North America.
It is believed that Neanderthals did not reach America, as they primarily inhabited Europe and parts of Asia. Modern humans, who coexisted with Neanderthals in Europe and Asia, eventually migrated to the Americas via a land bridge known as Beringia that connected Siberia to Alaska during the last Ice Age.
The Bering Sea Bridge.