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Tyler Bull

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4y ago
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ceremonies :)

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Where did the Native Americans of the Pacific northwest come from?

The pacific northwest

The totem pole produced by native Americans in the pacific northwest were generally meant to?

tell a story.

What was the festival of Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest called?


What were 2 unique aspects of the cultures of Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest?


Where was Kwakiutl?

In the Pacific northwest, refers not to a place but to groups of Native Americans.

What did the native Americans of the pacific northwest use to display their heritage?


Prior to the arrival of Europeans to the Pacific Northwest who inhabited the area?

the native Americans

What did the Native Americans of the pacific northwest use to display their heritiage?

they use the kids

Pacific Northwest Indians?

The Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest live in an area that ranges from the south of Alaska to the state of Washington. These Native Americans are well-known for their carved totem poles.

Why did the native Americans in the pacific northwest called all whites BOSTON for a while?

The Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest often had nicknames including Boston for all whites. They did this because many of the first settlers to reach them were from the New England colonies.

What Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest had festivals called?

The native people of this region had huge festive gatherings called potlatches.

Where did the Pacific Indians live?

The Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest live in Washington and Oregon. Much of their lives were spent farming and fishing.