Southerners; because their whole economy was based off of import and export if things that are imported are taxed with a high tariteat forces them to buy from the north.And all the north had to do was charge a little bit less than the imported good and tariff on, even if it was a very miniscule amount it wopuld make the south buy from the north.
The people who supported the exceptionally high tariff of 1828 were supporters of Andrew Jackson. The tariff was so high, it was pricing some of the southern cotton growers right out of the market. A new tariff was adopted in 1833 that laid out a reduction of rates over a period of time.
Henry Clay
Passed by Congress in July 1897, the Dingley Tariff Act increased duties by an average of 57 percent. Tariff rates were hiked on sugar, salt, tin cans, glassware, and tobacco, as well as on iron and steel, steel rails, petroleum, lead, copper, locomotives, whisky, and leather.
protect infant industriesLevying an income tax
The Tricky "Tariff of Abominations" In 1824, Congress increased the general tariff significantly. The Tariff of 1828- called the "Black Tariff" or the "Tariff of Abominations"; also called the "Yankee Tariff". It was hated by Southerners because it was an extremely high tariff and they felt it discriminated against them. The South was having economic struggles and the tariff was a scapegoat. The South Carolina Exposition, made by John C. Calhoun, was published in 1828. It was a pamphlet that denounced the Tariff of 1828 as unjust and unconstitutional. "Nullies" in the South In an attempt to meet the South's demands, Congress passed the Tariff of 1832, a slightly lower tariff compared to the Tariff of 1828. It fell short of the South's demands. The state legislature of South Carolina called for the Columbia Convention. The delegates of the convention called for the tariff to be void within South Carolina. The convention threatened to take South Carolina out of the Union if the government attempted to collect the customs duties by force. Henry Clay introduced the Tariff of 1833. It called for the gradual reduction of the Tariff of 1832 by about 10% over 8 years. By 1842, the rates would be back at the level of 1816. The compromise Tariff of 1833ended the dispute over the Tariff of 1832 between the South and the White House. The compromise was supported by South Carolina but not much by the other states of the South.
The people who supported the exceptionally high tariff of 1828 were supporters of Andrew Jackson. The tariff was so high, it was pricing some of the southern cotton growers right out of the market. A new tariff was adopted in 1833 that laid out a reduction of rates over a period of time.
The compromise of 1833, also called the Tariff of 1833, was a bill proposed to resolve the Nullification Crisis. It gradually reduced tariff rates after southern states objected to previous tariff bills.
lower tariff rates
John H. Barnes has written: 'List of articles free of duty and tariff or rates of duties' -- subject(s): Tariff 'List of articles free of duty and tariff or rates of duties' -- subject(s): Tariff
encouraged merchants to import by reducing or eliminating tariff rates.
encouraged merchants to import by reducing or eliminating tariff rates.
The tariff raised the average duty on imports to almost fifty percent, an act designed to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. The McKinley Tariff was replaced with the Wilsonâ??Gorman Tariff Act in 1894, which promptly lowered tariff rates.
Henry Clay and President Andrew Jackson were the main players in the compromise of 1833. The compromise was in response to conflicts between the federal government and South Carolina over taxes.
The Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act of 1922 made it difficult for Europe to do business with the United States. This Tariff Act placed a power on the President of the United States to raise tariff rates by up to 50%.
Tarif means price, tariff, rates, fares in English.
encouraged merchants to import by reducing or eliminating tariff rates.
protecting the jobs of american workers