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Yes. The president-elect draws up a list of candidates after consulting with campaign advisers, congressional leaders, and representatives of interest groups. The senate then holds confirmation hearings on the president's nominees for cabinet posts.

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9y ago
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16y ago

The president's main advisory body is his Cabinet - which he appoints

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9y ago

The President of the United States does decide the size of his cabinet. He or she also decides on whether to 'delete' a cabinet position.

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13y ago

Yes, the president picks his cabinet. His choices must be confirmed by the Senate.

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14y ago

The Cabinet is an advisory body made up of the heads of the 15 executive departments. Appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate,

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9y ago

The president of the United States proposes the size of his cabinet. Then this proposal is submitted to the US Senate for acceptance or rejection depending on a simple majority.

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13y ago

Yes, he picks them. His choices have to be approved by the US Senate.

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12y ago

yes. The president chooses his cabinet members. They have to be confirmed by the US Senate and they have been known to reject his choice.

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How did the president's cabinet get the name cabinet?

One of the definitions of cabinet is: a body of advisers of a head of state. Therefore, as a body of advisers to the President of the United States, the term Cabinet is fitting. The name comes from English history and the cabinet of the king of England existed long before there was a United States.

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Could a modern president run a government with five cabinet members?

No. The country has increased in size and the government now deals with far more areas than it did when there were 5 cabinet members. (The number of the cabinet members could probably be cut, but every department has its lobby and they are very vocifereous when threatened.)

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Louis XIV of France built the colossal Palace of Versailles. In that palace he made sure all his enemies and advisers lived with him. He couldn't meet with all of them at the same time, so whenever he was in the bathroom doing his business, his advisers would speak with him and make decisions through the cabinet door. The reference to the cabinet is where the idea for the name of the President's cabinet originates.

What is a good price for a large size file cabinet?

A large size file cabinet won't be cheap. The normal price for a large size file cabinet is around the $200-$300 range, and is not for home use, unless you have a home business.

What is the size of the cabinet branch now?


What is the size of a 40 TV?

That is the screen size, for the cabinet, dimensions depend on brand

what size tv will this cabinet hold?

This product is a tv that attaches to the underside of a cabinet. It holds a 7" LCD TV.

What factor decides the bit size of a processor?

bit size is a wordlength of one memory location

How much do cabinet offices cost?

A cabinet office cost around $150, it depends on the size of it and what kind is the material used on it.

How can one install cabinet shelves?

One can easily install shelves into cabinets. First, measure out the size of the cabinet. Cut a shelf that size from a piece of plywood. Make sure the shelf sits squarely and snugly in the cabinet and screw it in place from the sides and back.