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it didn't really at all. the new deal raised the national debt higher and higher. the only way out was eventually World War II where we could go into a "war economy" and prosper. the new deal was established to create jobs and Roosevelt just ended up spending the very little tax money that was coming in.

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The New Deal programs were not completely coherent, but many different programs did have the goal to provide public works jobs, including: Civil Works Administration, Public Works Administration, and the Works Progress Administration.

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Q: To what extent did the new deal programs reflect a coherent policy?
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The policy of volunteerism called for which of the following?

public works programs

What was the Kellogg-briand pact and how did it reflect republican foreign policy in the 1920's?

The Kellogg-Briand Pact was a 1928 treaty in which the signing countries promised not to use war to resolve conflicts. It shows the 20th century emphasis on international agreements as a means of avoiding war.

Why did events in Asia and Europe dominate U.S foreign policy during the cold war period?

During the Cold War the policy of the United States was one of containment of communism. China dominated Asia and it was a communist country. US policy was to try to contain the Chinese spread of communist doctrine in Southeast Asia. In Europe it was containment of Russian communist doctrine and to stop the Russians from attempting to enter Western Europe. It was felt if Russia would invade through Poland and enter central Germany in force. To some extent there is still a bit of that philosophy present in American foreign policy. It can be seen with the American reaction to the Russian take over of parts of the Ukraine. Today NATO is adding troops to Germany.

Which word best describes early American policy?

This entirely depends on what policies we are talking about, be they educational policy, military policy, foreign policy, trade policy, etc.As concerns foreign policy, US foreign policy in its first few decades was NEUTRALITY, meaning that the US would stay out of long-term alliances, treaties, engagements, and wars with the major European powers.

The policy of trading with other countries is called?

an open door policy

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public works programs

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