There were two Great Awakenings- the first beginning in the 1730's, and the second in the 1800's. This were periods of religious revival in American. They were Characterized by new denominations, "fire and brimstone" speakers, and camp meetings (retreats where people would spend days praying, worshiping, and listening to speakers). Some influential people in these time periods were George Whitefield and Johnathan Edwards, Charles Finney and Peter Cartwright.
The local indians for $24 worth of trinkets.
photo of peter boone
John peter zenger died by eating a poisonous rabbit
Peter Salem was on the side of America. He was a slave who was granted his freedom to serve in the Continental Army.
Democrat Peter Cartwright, an itinerant Methodist preacher
Peter Cartwright - revivalist - died in 1873.
Peter Cartwright - revivalist - was born in 1785.
Peter Cartwright - actor - was born on 1935-08-30.
Circuit-riding Preacher:)
Peter Cartwright
Peter Cartwright
Second Great Awakening
a visionary in the modern power industry, colleagues and employees note that Cartwright fostered the company's growth by rewarding creativity and embracing risk.
Princeton University, BS, 1952; Columbia University, MS, 1953
Charles XII was defeated by Peter the Great at the Battle of Poltava on June 27, 1708 (July 8 New Style).
charles grandison finney, Lyman Beecher, barton Stone, Peter Cartwright.