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To protect his body in the event of nuclear war.

A more simply reason might be that, perhaps, he was buried in a Belmont casket. The (former) Belmont Casket Company of Columbus, Ohio was famous for its lead coated steel caskets. The lead coating had an anti-corrosion effect, giving the carbon steel properties similar to that of stainless steel. President Lyndon B. Johnson, e.g., was buried in a Belmont lead coated steel casket. Pictures of Hoover's funeral seem to indicate that he might have been buried in one of the double lid Belmont "Masterpiece" caskets, the top of the line model of the company. A solid bronze type of the "Masterpiece" casket (with more ornamental caskets handles than those of J. Edgar's casket) was used for the burial of Marilyn Monroe.

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Q: Was there a reason J Edgar Hoovers casket was lined in lead?
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25 cents As a matter of fact, Whitney Houston was buried in a luxurious stainless steel casket with a transparent bronze colored finish - a "Millenium" design manufactured by the Batesville Casket Company. The manufacturer's suggested retail price varies between U.S. $ 15,000 and 28,000 depending on extras like 24 karat gold plated handles. Online casket retailers offer the casket already from $ 10,000 upwards. p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }a:link {

Was Princess Diana's coffin made of glass?

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