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The Meridians are lined in a pattern on the Mercator. They are all parallel to each other and converge at the poles when viewed on a globe.

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Q: What is the pattern of meridians on the Mercator?
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On a globe the meridians converge toward the poles What is the pattern of meridians on the Mercator?

On a Mercator projection, meridians appear as straight, parallel lines running from top to bottom of the map, spaced evenly apart. This is because the Mercator projection is a cylindrical map projection that preserves straight lines of constant bearing, resulting in meridians being stretched vertically towards the poles.

Do all of the parallels and meridians cross each other at right angles on both the globe and the Mercator?

On a globe, parallels and meridians meet at right angles only at the equator and the poles. On a Mercator projection map, all meridians intersect the equator at right angles, while parallels intersect meridians at right angles throughout the map.

Do all paralles and meridians cross each other at right angles on both the globe and the mercator?


Describe patterns of meridians on the Mercator?

Meridians on the Mercator projection are straight lines that run from the North Pole to the South Pole at equal intervals, spaced evenly along the equator. As they approach the poles, the spacing between meridians shrinks, causing distortion in size, shape, and distance of land masses near the poles. This distortion is a common characteristic of the Mercator projection, which makes it ideal for navigation but less suitable for accurately representing areas and distances at high latitudes.

What are shown as straight lines on a Mercator projection called?

The parallels of latitude and the meridians of longitude are all straight lines on the Mercator projection. That's why Greenland looks bigger than South America.

How are maps useful?

mercator projection are mostly used by navigator because all meridians appears as astraiht line

How are map projections used?

mercator projection are mostly used by navigator because all meridians appears as astraiht line

A basic geography questions - Do all of the parallels and the meridians cross each other at right angles on both the globe and Mercator?

On a globe, parallels and meridians do not intersect at right angles; only the equator and the prime meridian intersect perpendicular to each other. On a Mercator projection map, the meridians appear as straight lines converging at the poles, while the parallels are equally spaced horizontally, giving the illusion that they intersect at right angles, when in reality that is not the case.

What is the type of cylindrical map projection that is commonly used and shows straight meridians and parallels that intersect at right angles?

The type of cylindrical map projection that fits this description is the Mercator projection. It is commonly used for navigation purposes due to its property of showing straight meridians and parallels that intersect at right angles, although it does distort the sizes of landmasses at higher latitudes.

Is the Greenland's size relative to the US greatly exaggerated on On Mercator projection?

Yes, it is! Since the Mercator tends to spread the meridians apart near the poles, any landmass to the North (or South) will look disproportionally large, compared to landmasses nearer the equator. Just look at a globe. You will see how the meridians (lines of longitude)converge at the North pole. Look at a Mercator projection. You will see those lines spread out so they are the same spacing as nearer the equator. That's how the Mercator makes Greenland look so HUGE, compared to the US... -Bob

What one characteristic of the mercator projection remains true or undistorted no matter where you are on a map of this type?

The Mercator Projection keeps all angles of land masses equal in relation to the Earth's meridians. This is what has made it so popular as a nautical travel tool for sailors.

What is a mercator projecter?

A cylindrical map projection in which the meridians and parallels of latitude appear as lines crossing at right angles and in which areas appear greater farther from the equator.conic