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Alien And Sedition Acts

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Melvin Ruebinawitz

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Alien And Sedition Acts

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Q: What act said foreigners had to live in US 14 years before becoming citizens?
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What gave the president power to deport anyone and required that immigrants wait 14 years before becoming citizens?

Alien Act

What did Cleopatra do before being queen?

We know nothing of what Cleopatra did before becoming queen. She steps into history as a grown woman 22 years old.We know nothing of what Cleopatra did before becoming queen. She steps into history as a grown woman 22 years old.We know nothing of what Cleopatra did before becoming queen. She steps into history as a grown woman 22 years old.We know nothing of what Cleopatra did before becoming queen. She steps into history as a grown woman 22 years old.We know nothing of what Cleopatra did before becoming queen. She steps into history as a grown woman 22 years old.We know nothing of what Cleopatra did before becoming queen. She steps into history as a grown woman 22 years old.We know nothing of what Cleopatra did before becoming queen. She steps into history as a grown woman 22 years old.We know nothing of what Cleopatra did before becoming queen. She steps into history as a grown woman 22 years old.We know nothing of what Cleopatra did before becoming queen. She steps into history as a grown woman 22 years old.

What did Australian citizens eat 200 years ago?

Australia became a country in 1901. Before that, it had no citizens.

Who has the power to increase the number of years immigrants have to live in the us before becoming citizens?

The United States Constitution in Article 1 Section 8, gives Congress the power to makes rules for naturalization. Congress can change the period of time a permanent resident must live in the United States before becoming a citizen.

How many years must congressman be citizens for before being elected?

7 years!!

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How many years do you have to live in the US before becoming a senator?


What obstacles did Iraq face in its effort to rebuild after years of war?

Guerrilla attacks and suicide bombings. Insurgents, or rebels, targeted foreigners and Iraqi citizens, especially those cooperating with foreign troops.

How many years did Icthyosaurs live before becoming extinct?

Approximately 250 million years! Amazing!

How long does it take to train before becoming a policemen?

3 to 4 years

What is the process of making non citizens into citizens?

Naturalization is the process of making noncitizens American citizens. Many immigrants wait years before they are able to become a citizen.

What were the years before the Holocaust like for the non-Jewish citizens in Germany?

They became jewish