Political institutions emerge from the societies and cultures. They include, monarchies [U.K], oligarchies, democracies [United States?], totalitarian governments [Nazi Germany], one party states, theocracies [Saudi Arabia], communism [China]
The dominant political institution is Western democracy, but it does not work well in traditional, African, Middle eastern and Asian countries, where other major institutions create conflict.
the facilities provided to the citizen of india by the government is called public facillities. the citizens must use it economically because these facillities are provided to the citizens so taht they can live a comfortable live. some common public facilities are:electricitywaterhealth careschoolling facillities
not sure
What is the elimination or practice or providing separate schools and other facilities
Public schools for blacks were poorly funded and inferior to white schools in the same school districts. The facilities were not are good and most of the teachers were not as well-qualified.
Jim Crow laws kept African Americans and whites from mixing in the South in public places.
State prisons are an example of a state operated facility. State operated universities and public buildings such as the Department of Transportation are examples of state facilities.
SchoolsHospitalsPublic transport facilities such as, bus, trains,etc.
what example of facilities
the right to use public facilities...
Parks, games pitches, swimming pools etc. are public recreation facilities.
the facilities given to the people residing in that country are the public facilities of that country. e.g. -transports like train ,bus, auto rikshaw ,dustbins kept on roads etc.
Public hygiene is the science and art of increasing the cleanliness of a population. Examples of this include water treatment facilities and sanitary sewer systems.
the facilities provided to the citizen of india by the government is called public facillities. the citizens must use it economically because these facillities are provided to the citizens so taht they can live a comfortable live. some common public facilities are:electricitywaterhealth careschoolling facillities
Public facilities? This could mean public restrooms and this case thank goodness or there would be no place for people to stop and relieve themselves. Public facilities .... Is also a library or other government funded place for assisting people with knowledge giving answers or simply education.
Parks, games pitches, Swimming Pools etc. are public recreation facilities.
public works program