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Q: What are hunters and gathers who move continuously looking for food?
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How did the stonage people find food?

They were farmers. And hunters and gathers

Hunters and gathers developed predictable food supplies true or false?

Hunters and gatherers developed predictable food supplies. They come together and create a larger impact.

Why did some hunters and gathers start to farm?

because they wanted food without having to pay for it

How did hunters and gathers obtain their food?

Hunting and gathering!

WHAT DID early hunters and gatherers gather?

Hunters and gathers lived out in the forests and moved around a lot as a tribe, they hunted, searched for game, and gathered food such as roots, fruit, and berries for survival.

What problem resulted when the people in the Paleolithic age harvested their food?

Paleolithic didn't harvest food. They were hunters/gathers and didn't grow crops. They followed herds and gathered food that they found growing.

Hunters and gathers living condition in stone age?

yes, living condition was hunters and gather because that time there was no market .so they have to bring their food bring their food they used to kill animals which is known as hunting and bringing them in home which is known as gathering.

How did the Indians cook their food?

With some type of heat source usually fire. They used maze and mashed it up in stone bowls, they also were hunters and gathers.

What types of food did the Mohawk Indians?

The Mohawk Indians ate a variety of things because they were hunters and gathers. They ate fish, berries, corn, deer, elk, beans and herbs.

What type of food did the mohawk Indians eat?

The Mohawk Indians ate a variety of things because they were hunters and gathers. They ate fish, berries, corn, deer, elk, beans and herbs.

What was the most important skill used by hunters and gathers during the paleolithic era?

One of the most important skills used by hunters and gatherers during the Paleolithic era was tracking and hunting animals for food. This required keen observation, stealth, and knowledge of animal behavior in order to successfully secure food sources for survival.

How does a sponge gathers its food?

The sponge gathered food by filting the food.