9 MM hand gun Taysers clubs pepper spray mace 12 gage shot gun and the infamous round house kick
Because teens use drugs, weapons, or other things
I have reasarched and asked some of the cops and i have found out what weapons are illegal in uk:Baseball bats or any type of batsAir gunsKNivesAny sharp weaponsand any other weapons that can cause damage or kill other human.
cops and people with a licence
weapons weapons and coins
the used some thing
weapons are generall fired by the use of a trigger. Some military weapons use a switch/button/lanyard.
Some of the countries have nuclear weapons because they use them as a defense mechanism. The nuclear weapons are intended to be used whenever there is a war.
No. We will always have some use for them.
they would use there hand punch you or kick you or some thing like that. They would use lethal weapons...
The main weapons were swords and muskets. Some muskets had bayonets.
because when people go to prison they get strip-searched. when your strip-searched the cops take off your clothes and see if you have any dangerous weapons.
spears and bow and arrows