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Third World countries have less wealth, military power, less education, health and are dominated by First World countries. The poor nations provide Natural Resources and cheap labor. These countries further provide a destination for obsolete technology, thus providing additional markets for developed nations to sell their seconds. Without this second hand economy, these nations would be without have any standard of living. Thus, a dependency is formed.

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Q: What are the causes of dependency in the third world countries?
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When was slavery popular?

up until it was abolished ... it still is to this day in some third world countries

What countries still have racial segregation?

Segregation has occured in countries all over the world, most notably the United States where Martin Luther King fought against racial discrimination through a series of non-violent protests. Unfortuantely, segregation still exists today in many third world countries.

Did Great Britain rule the world?

They didn't rule the world, but they colonized most countries in the world.

Underlying and immediate cause of World War II?

For World War II, the causes spell out M.A.I.N. The causes are: MILITARISM -because Germany was not supposed to build up its army, (because of the Versailles Treaty) but under Hitler Germany started building up its army again. ALLIANCES -because Japan who was on our side for World War I, became a facist country and Japan sided with Germany, because Hitler was a facist. IMPERIALISM -you still see how mother countries want to colonize smaller countries NATIONALISM -the smaller countries want freedom. Also think of Hitler in Germany, he stirred up nationalism in Germany...wanted "ethnic cleansing", and the Aryan Race These four powerful causes send many countries into World War II. For World War II, the causes spell out M.A.I.N. The causes are: MILITARISM -because Germany was not supposed to build up its army, (because of the Versailles Treaty) but under Hitler Germany started building up its army again. ALLIANCES -because Japan who was on our side for World War I, became a facist country and Japan sided with Germany, because Hitler was a facist. IMPERIALISM -you still see how mother countries want to colonize smaller countries NATIONALISM -the smaller countries want freedom. Also think of Hitler in Germany, he stirred up nationalism in Germany...wanted "ethnic cleansing", and the Aryan Race These four powerful causes send many countries into World War II.

Why were there 500000 deaths in the US at the end of world war 1?

Name the 4 causes of world war I

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Importance of dependency theory in policy making in Nigeria?

Becasue Nigeria is a third world country, the dependency theory claims that world banks and organizations which lend money and help to third world countries from developed nations create a dependecy from Nigeria to developed countries.

What are the main arguments of the dependency theory its causes and solutions of underdevelopment in third world countries?

Dependency theory argues that underdevelopment in third world countries is a result of the unequal economic relations between developed and underdeveloped nations, with the latter being dependent on the former. This dependency is perpetuated by factors such as neocolonialism, exploitation of resources, and unequal trade relationships. Solutions proposed by dependency theory include promoting self-sufficiency, reducing reliance on foreign investment, and fostering economic policies that prioritize domestic development.

Is dependency theory beneficial to third world countries?

Dependency theory argues that third world countries are at a disadvantage in the global economy due to their reliance on developed nations. While it sheds light on the unequal power dynamics in the international system, critics argue that it can sometimes oversimplify complex issues and hinder progress by painting third world countries as helpless victims. Ultimately, its usefulness depends on how it is applied in addressing the specific challenges faced by these countries.

Discuss the contention that dependency theonsts provide a more adequate explanation of underdevelopment in third world countries?

Dependency theorists argue that underdevelopment in third world countries is due to their economic reliance on and exploitation by more powerful developed countries. They emphasize how historical and ongoing unequal power dynamics perpetuate poverty and hinder development. By focusing on the structural constraints imposed on these countries by global trade and finance systems, dependency theorists offer a critical perspective that highlights the need for systemic change to address underdevelopment.

How does dependency theory relate to third world societies?

Dependency theory posits that third world societies are kept in a state of underdevelopment due to their economic dependence on more developed nations. This theory argues that the exploitation of resources, unequal trade relationships, and historical colonial legacies perpetuate poverty and hinder development in these societies. Dependency theory highlights the structural disparities and power dynamics that contribute to the economic and social challenges faced by third world countries.

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Rajesh Chandra has written: 'Industrialization and development in the Third World' -- subject(s): Industrial policy, Industrialization, Dependency on foreign countries

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Third World debt is external debt incurred by Third World countries. Third World debt is external debt incurred by Third World countries.

How many third world countries are in the world today?

There are 47 third world countries today.

What is third world debt?

third world countries which are in debt to countries which have more money and material. Third world is when devolving countries are in debt. countries like Africa which have no money or materials .

What fraction of the world's countries are third world countries?

There is no universally accepted definition of "third world country" as it was a term used during the Cold War to categorize countries based on political ideologies. However, based on common understanding, roughly one-third of the world's countries could be considered third world countries.