Yes, conflicts arose between the US government and the Plains Indians because the Indians wanted to live on reservation land and farm. In 1851, in the First Fort Laramie Treaty, the American government guaranteed the Plains Indians that they would be left alone in their reservations, but this treaty was not honored.
Native American Indians are indigenous people of North America. There are many ways to organize the different cultures:Location: Southeastern, Southwestern, Northwest, Plains, Woodland, Coastal.Occupation: hunters/gatherers, fishermen, weavers, etc.Shelter: hogan, teepee, longhouse, wigwam, mud and daub, pueblo, etc.Language group is another type.
Because the Indians lived in the great, big plains.
British colony
The medicine men were important to the indians as they grew and made marijuana for the indians to use
mountainous region, rivers, plains
The Northwestern tribes were not plains tribes. They were in a different region from the plains.
the answer is yes
the answer is yes
One of the most notable differences between how whites and the plains Indians would fight was the technology they possessed. Most Indians relied heavily on homemade weaponry and devices while many whites had their guns manufactured. The use of gun powder was a critical difference and legitimate difference in many battles.
The Plains Indians began to rely on horses.
The Plains Indians began to rely on horses.
The Plains Indians began to rely on horses.
The differences between the Iroquois are numerous. The Iroquois Confederacy had a constitution. They were farmers and lived primarily in the northeast. The Cheyenne were nomadic in nature. They were hunters and gatherers and lived in the plains.
Yes, conflicts arose between the US government and the Plains Indians because the Indians wanted to live on reservation land and farm. In 1851, in the First Fort Laramie Treaty, the American government guaranteed the Plains Indians that they would be left alone in their reservations, but this treaty was not honored.
nomadic or sedentary is plains indians