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During the course of our history, in addition to the 27 amendments

which have been ratified by the required three-fourths of the States, six

other amendments have been submitted to the States but have not been

ratified by them.

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They were not announced it is political politics thank you

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Q: What are the two amendments that were not ratified?
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How many times has the US Constitution been amended?

The United States Constitution was written in 1787 and ratified in 1788. It has 27 amendments, but the first 10 were ratified simultaneously in 1791 so it was amended one time with ten amendments. The other 17 amendments were ratified one at a time. So the US Constitution has 27 amendments but has been amended 18 times.

What are the 10 amendment to the Constitution known as?

The first ten amendments to the constitution are known as the Bill of Rights. These amendments were ratified on December 15, 1791.

Assembly that proposed the first 10 amendments?

In 1789, the first Congress proposed a set of twelve amendments, written by James Madison. As required by the Constitution, the amendments then went to the states. By December 1791, three fourths of the states had ratified 10 of the 12 amendments. These 10 amendments became known as the Bill of Rights.

By what two methods can amendments to the US Constitution be proposed and ratified?

There are actually four methods.An Amendment may be proposed by two-thirds vote in each house of congress, and ratified by three-fourths of the state legislatures.An Amendment may be proposed by Congress and then ratified by conventions, called for that purpose in three-fourths of the state3.An Amendment may be proposed by a national convention, called by Congress at the request of two-thirds of state legislatures, and then ratified by three-fourths of the state legislatures.An amendment may be proposed by a national convention and ratified by conventions in three-fourths of the states.Answered directly from the "American Government" Textbook.

Do states ratify amendments?

The method of ratification is decided by the body that passes the amendment, which historically has been the US Congress (by 2/3 vote of both houses).In all but one case, the approved amendments were ratified by state legislatures.However, the language of the 21st Amendment (1933) specified its passage by state conventions rather than state legislatures. This was particularly chosen to avoid opposition by the same groups that had successfully lobbied for the passage of the 18th Amendment (Prohibition, 1920) which the 21st Amendment repealed.* Should a national constitutional convention (Article V Convention) successfully be called, it too would be empowered to specify the means by which any of its proposed amendments would be ratified.

Related questions

How many amendments to the constitution have been ratified?

only 27 of the 31 amendments proposed have been ratified

What amendement was ratified?

All of them were, or they wouldn't be amendments. There may be one or two with unclear histories.

What was The actual number of amendments that the leaders first proposed was?

The actual number of amendments that the leaders first proposed was,but two were not ratified at the time.

How many constitutional amendments have been ratified?

27 have been ratified

Admendments can be ratified by?

Amendments can be ratified by Legislatures of 2/3 of the states. Amendments can be proposed by 2/3 vote of each house of Congres.

When were the first ten amendments to the constitution adopted in?


What must be ratified by the amendment for constitution?

Your question is very confused. Amendments are ratified, they do not ratify.

What year were the first ten amendments ratified by the states?

Twelve Constitutional amendments were proposed in September 1789. The third through twelfth became the first ten Amendments when they were ratified in December 1791, and the second proposal became the 27th Amendment when it was ratified in May 1992.

How many of the amendments were ratified by the state legislatures and how many were ratified by conventions held in the states?

Only the 21st Amendment (repealing the 18th) was ratified by conventions in the states.

How many of the original 12 amendments were ratified?


Amendments can be ratified by three-fourths of whom?


How many economic amendments have been ratified?
