Natives paid tribute to the conquistadors.
Conquistadors became trustees of the land.
Indigenous population got to keep their lands.
The Encomienda system required Spanish colonists to care for the native people.
The encomienda was introduced to the Americas by the Spanish settlers, authorized by the Spanish crown in 1503. The system was first devised when the Spanish conquered the Moors in Spain.
based on race.tolerated by many americans
People would treat African slaves better.
the answer is encomienda. :D
The encomienda was a dependency relation system.
encomienda system
The Encomienda system required Spanish colonists to care for the native people.
The Encomienda system required Spanish colonists to care for the native people.
The Spanish implemented the encomienda system when they first arrived on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola. After they realized that the number of products to exploit were not as plentiful as they hoped, they went to Central (and South) America, where they carried on the encomienda system on the conquered minorities who helped them retrieve silver.
It was just replaced by the Hacienda system.
it is a system in which the spanish crown implemented
Encomienda system
yes it was
Christopher Columbus.
It was important because of the natives!