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gold and religous freedom

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Q: What brought the first wave of settlers to the west?
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Which resources first brought settlers to the interior west?

It was gold and silver

Who was the first settlers of West Virginia?

your moms balls

The first settlements in New Jersey were made by the?

dutch west India company and by Swedish settlers

What did the settlers coming west bring with them?

People brought many things with them in the colonization of America. They brought disease, which was extremely fatal for the indigenous population.

Settlers first came to the west because of the region's what?

natural resources

What was the name of the first American settlers that traveled west were called?


What first brought Islam to Africa?

Trade brought Islam to West Africa. :)

What were the long lasting effects of exploration by the first American explorers of the west?

Well there were the reports by the explorers, such as Lewis and Clark, that there was plenty of good land west of the Mississippi River. So that brought about the Louisiana Purchase opening up the Midwest to settlers. Eventually the purchase of the Oregon territory, opening up the Pacific Northwest to settlers. Travel was by foot, horse, wagon and oxen, eventually the railroads opened the west more and more settlers. The lasting effect was the settling and taming of the wild west.

What was the west offering the new settlers?

the west was offering land to the settlers

What did the Spanish colonists build in the Americas?

What did the first Spanish settlers in the West build there?

What factors drew settlers west during the first half of the 19th century?

In the 1800's settlers moved west for many reasons. For instance gold was a big opportunity and so was cheap land for immigrants. This caused a race to the west and the main reasons settlers moved there.

Why the settlers move to the west?

Settlers thought and overheard that there was gold over on the west