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White stripes look very good.

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Q: What color stripes look good on red car?
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What color stripes look good on white car?

Blue, black, and red stripes look best on a white car

What color stripes look good on metallic green car?

Black or white stripes

What color stripes on a white car?


What is good color for a car?

a color that most car companies have such as whit or grey no purple or green etc. *by the way cops lookat red cars more racing stripes add to that

What color is good for cars?

a color that most car companies have such as whit or grey no purple or green etc. *by the way cops lookat red cars more racing stripes add to that

What color was the car named 'Eleanor' in 'Gone in 60 Seconds?

Grey with black racing stripes

What color are Cole Sprouses eyes?

the color of cole sprouses car is white with black strips and dylans is black with orange stripes!

What color led look good on a white car?

now days blue leds are very common and give a smooth nice look to many cars

What are the small racing stripes on the fender of a car called?

Pin stripes.

How do you find a coolant leak 1996 Chevy Camaro?

Look for the green fluid puddle under the car. Then open the hood and look directly above the leak on the ground. Look for any green color or wetness on the block or hoses. They make each fluid for your car a different color for this reason. Good Luck

Will green wheels look good on a blue car?

Green will absolutely NOT go well with a blue car, even though green is an awesome color. Try black or silver!

What color is Diane darcy's car herbie goes to Monte Carlo?

Diane Darcy's car is powder blue with yellow and white stripes and a fancy dark blue number 7 on it.